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Welcome Dinner - Club Social

As many of you know, we have had quite a few people join our club in the last 9 months.

The club would like to welcome these people in a more relaxed atmosphere and has planned a "Welcome to Warringah Masters" get together of all members. All club members are invited as well as their friends, family, partners and people thinking about joining.

This will be a casual function with finger food platters etc. with not too much sitting down, providing the ability to move around and introduce yourselves to others.

Venue.   Belrose Hotel, 5 Hews Parade, Belrose.

7pm Friday  2nd September 2022.

$10 per person. Complimentary drink on arrival.

Bookings and payments can be made through the new booking system.  

Payment and final numbers MUST be in by Friday 19th August.   

Any cancellations or refund requests should be sent by email to at least 24 hours prior to the event.

Hoping to see many people attending to enjoy a fun evening amongst friends with an interest in fitness and swimming.


Warringah Masters Swimming Inc

27 August

Ryde BPS

25 September

MSNSW Long Distance Championships (SC)