Swimmers and volunteers honoured at annual club presentation dinner

Our annual Presentation Dinner was a night to remember with close to 60 guests celebrating improvements, performances and enthusiasm of club members in 2023.

The Swimmer of the Year Award recognises the improvement in performance over the year. This year’s winners were Violet Wilkinson whose backstroke keeps improving and the men’s award was shared by Paul Johnson and retiring Captain Phil Lindsay who both improved their times. Each of the swimmers were regular faces at training, competition and the special championships preparation sessions.

Paul was also the winner of the Participation Award presented by Race Secretary Pat Chandler. Paul racked up the highest number of carnival days including going to World’s in Japan. Paul clearly enjoyed the World’s experience and encouraged everyone to give it a go.

The Max Award inaugurated by Max van Gelder is given to the swimmer with the most record points. The winner this year was John de Vries with five State records leading to four National records.

Other record-setting feats were achieved by Stephen Ford, Liz Wallis and Stuart Meares.

Stephen broke three State records leading to 1# National record. Liz collected three State and National records leading to a World record.

Stuart bagged one state record, ironically knocking over a record set previously by Stephen Ford.

The President’s Club Member of the Year Award, inaugurated by former President Tony Tooher in 2005, this year recognised two long-term volunteers who are part of the engine room of the Club: Violet Wilkinson and Bev Cook.

Violet is our Gear Steward and has for many years successfully wrangled the oft competing needs and wishes of members, the exec committee and our suppliers.

Bev Cook you may not know …. she is the unsung hero of Sunday morning, keeping us fed and watered after training and always ready with a smile. Thank you both.

Thanks also go to our principal sponsors. VegeChips and Perskindol for their support which among other things helps sustain our training and competition program.

Finally, a huge thank you to our Social Secretary Christine Geftakis for organising yet another successful event.


Year in review - 2023


Fukuoka Fun and Fortune for Warringah Worlds team